It took me quite a while to write the report of my last (and First) US trip.
One month later, I've finally absorbed all the madness that took place in those mad 10 days and I'm finally ready to write something about it.
Just one word of advice: if on Sunday morning you're going to run a marathon (a proper one, 42,195 km - 26 miles), DON'T even think about spending Friday night and Saturday in Las Vegas gambling, drinking and trashing yourself. IT IS NOT GOOD. Especially if the marathon is in Los Angeles, with 95° degrees…
Day 2 - Exploring Atlanta
Without my passport, but with a nice smile on my face (I'm a very optimistic fella), I went for a run around Rob's house. Nice small lakes with probably fishes swimming. I run, and I thought about fishing. I always liked the idea of spending time just fishing. I never tried it. I just like the idea.
Let's talk a bit about Atlanta.
It's a city, somewhere in Georgia, somewhere in the South East. They had the Olympic Games 2 Olympic Games ago (1996) and they are known for Pepsi and something else.
It was a nice city, cause probably was the first US city I've ever seen in my life. Skyscrapers, large roads, sport stadiums, Hooters. All the stuff a real man needs.
Rob and Dana (his American Wife) booked four tickets for the NHL game between Atlanta Thrashers and New York Rangers, so we went straight to the CNN centre to enjoy some food pre-game (it seems to be a big American thing) before enjoying some real violence on the iced ring.
The stadium was exactly how I always thought it was supposed to be. Food and drinks in plastic cups everywhere, people who didn't give a shit about the game but were there just to spend some quality time, and girls. Well, not so many, but surely more than at the average Premiership (or Seria A, or Liga Polska) football match.
I like Hockey, even if it's not very big in Europe (excluding the Scandinavia countries and the former Eastern block), and I used to beat all my friends in some old NHL hockey computer game 10 years ago. Great feeling. Great atmosphere. And free tickets. I was hoping for some kick ass violence among the players, but they were quite relaxed.
By the way, Atlanta won 3-2.
After the match we moved to some bar at the top of the highest skyscraper in Atlanta. Obviously Johnny knew about the bar (he spent some time here some years ago, when he was racing around the US in some Formula not 1).
Let's talk about Johnny for a minute. He's English. He was a professional race driver and now he runs a new media agency in London. He's thirty. But that's not important. What is really relevant is his knowledge of every single bar in every single city. Even if he doesn't know the city, he can find a nice bar in the same time an average porno star uses to be undressed in an average porno movie.
And he's a jolly good fellow. And he pulls birds for him and his friends. He's a good man.
Anyway, the restaurant / bar at the top of the building was silly expensive for my taste, and the cocktails were silly small. But the view from the rotating platform was incredible. We stayed there till the sunset, drinking margaritas and watching the sun slowly (10 seconds) hiding below the horizon. After the third cocktail I thought that was kind of cool.
But 20 minutes later I had to change my mind, and set new level of coolness.
Hooters. Hooters. Hooters. What is Hooters? Who are the Hooters Girls?
Ok. Hooters is the Playboy version of the Kentucky Fried Chicken, with girls just slightly more dressed that the pinup in the magazine. You've got quality fried chicken, free refills of soft drinks (I love lemonade) and jugs of beer. And, obviously, the girls. Nice girls. With big boobs.
So, summarizing, in on fast food you can find hot chicken wings, beer and girls with big boobs. Not bad, uh?
We ended the day in some pub in Buckhead, trying to find the passport I lost the day before. No luck. But the pub had a fantastic game and one completely nut girl. We will discuss about the game later.
The day ended with some PG-13 thoughts about the Hooters girls. During the night, the dreams reached the R rating.